LOVE (PART 2.) πŸ’“πŸ’“

 So in this post, I'm going to talk about the second type of love.

2. Agape 

It's the love people have for their gods and religion.

In Sri Lanka, it's your love for Buddhism, Buddha, the Bible, Hindu gods, or the Quran.

It is always bound by respect or, at times, fear.

my grandmother often cries out of love, while telling stories about Buddha. 

The amount of faith Hindu people have for their gods is unimaginable.

one of the greatest examples of Agape.

Mecca is the ultimate goal of Muslims' lives.

and here in Sri Lanka, we can see politicians and different marketing brands take advantage of that love.

Because people are so sensitive to them, they can easily manipulate them.

They often use Poya days, and other major religious events for their advantage.

It's easier in southeast Asian countries, as they have a blind devotion to their religion, and their culture and history have a huge connection with religions.

So, it's okay to have that faith, devotion, or love toward religions, as some people really find spiritual peace in them.

But when taking decisions, please try to think with your brain. Don't let that love stop you from going forward or developing as a person.

Stay tuned to learn about the next type of love.

Sending love


  1. Woow nice blog post my friend πŸ’–πŸ˜πŸ‘

  2. I am a religious person to whom religion comes first but I strongly agree that it should be done in moderation, that's why God gave us wisdom too. Again Kudos for the great work and very much in agreement with you. And it is really sad how politicians use religion for their well being


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